Monday, 18 May 2009

Lee & Alexis Weddding - 16th May 2009

Well after a worrying start the day turned out really well. A couple of days before we had a bit of equipment failure - flash broke, so I had to go out and get a new one. Its always a bit nervous putting new equipment into the field as your never sure you have a good one! But I gave it a good few test shots the day before and it was fine on the day.

The day - well what a morning! The weather on friday was awfull and it didn't look too good saturday morning. More rain - although it was showers rather than solid rain so I was hopeful it would brighten up. I turned up at Alexis at 1pm and preperations were well underway - and may I say it was nice and calm for a change - not too many last minute nerves. As we left for the church it had finally stopped raining, but on arrival it monsooned! Still after the ceremony the sun came out and we had a really nice afternoon.

Overall it was a really nice wedding and Alexis made a lovely bride. I'm glad we could be a part of it.

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